Type of cards

Standard | Adult
Standard Adult electronic ticket – an electronic document based on a contactless electronic plastic card, used as the only payment instrument for payment of public transportation
To pay for the passenger fare, it is enough to hold an electronic ticket near the validator – a special reader located in the passenger compartment of the vehicle.
Using e-tickets is an easy and transparent way to pay for your travel.
“No cash, lost money and quarrels” – Using electronic tickets eliminates the problem of cash transfer in the vehicle cabin.
The driver does not need to be distracted by passengers, follow the fare jumpers or silently calculate the change. The driver, freeing himself from unnecessary load, focuses his attention on the road.
“Transparency” – An electronic ticket frees public transportation from “black cash” and allows to make clear accounting of passengers.
“Planning” – Passenger traffic accounting will allow to optimize routes and the required number of buses at one time or another for the needs of passengers.
Warning! The control will work on the line with special devices to check the registration of the electronic ticket.
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Student/pupil e-ticket is an electronic document for paying for travel at the “Student/pupil” tariff, which is used as a payment instrument in public transport
WARNING! The line will be staffed by a Control Service with special devices to verify electronic ticket registration.
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Special right ticket
Preferential e-ticket is an electronic document for paying for travel at the “Preferential” tariff, which is used as a payment instrument in public transport
WARNING! The line will be staffed by a Control Service with special devices to verify electronic ticket registration.
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Electronic ticket of the driver, controller – an electronic document of the driver/controller for registration in the automated system of accounting for the payment of fares in the public transport.
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